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Report No.

Minor actinide-bearing oxide fuel core design study for the JSFR

Naganuma, Masayuki  ; Ogawa, Takashi; Oki, Shigeo ; Mizuno, Tomoyasu; Kotake, Shoji*

In FaCT project, sodium-cooled fast reactor with mixed-oxide fuel was selected as the primary candidate. Present study focused on effects of TRU composition on the design of JSFR. In a transitional stage from LWR to FBR, there is possibility for the JSFR fuel to have high MA content due to recycle of LWR spent fuel. That affects core and fuel designs (core reactivity, material property and so on). Thus, to evaluate the effects quantitatively, design studies for the JSFR cores with two TRU compositions were conducted, one was FBR multi-recycle composition with about 1wt% of MA and the other was LWR recycle one, for which 3wt% of MA was assumed as a typical composition. The results showed that the change from FBR multi-recycle composition to LWR recycle one leads to 10% increase of sodium void reactivity, 1-2% decrease of linear power limit and 5% extension of gas plenum length. As a result, effects of TRU composition on the core and fuel designs were indicated to be benign.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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