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 年 ~ 

General relativistic compact stars with exotic matter


安武 伸俊*; 丸山 敏毅  ; 巽 敏隆*; 木内 健太*; 固武 慶*

Yasutake, Nobutoshi*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*; Kiuchi, Kenta*; Kotake, Kei*

We study the structure of magnetized hybrid stars in general relativistic formalism and calculate possible evolutionary paths of formation of hybrid stars due to spin-down of magnetized rotating neutron stars. Our study is based on axisymetric and stationary formalism including purely toroidal magnetic field. For hybrid stars, we find characteristic distribution of magnetic field, which is confined in the stellar core of mixed phase. The released energy by QCD phase transition is very large, $$sim$$10$$^{52}$$ ergs. The liberated energy might become a new energy source for a delayed explosion of supernova. Moreover, we find and estimate the spin-up by the transition. This spin-up accompanies the energy release, hence it will be candidates such astrophysical phenomena. We also study the finite size effects of quark-hadron mixed phase on the structures of magnetars.



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