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 年 ~ 

Crystal structures of the regulatory subunit of Thr-sensitive aspartate kinase from ${it Thermus thermophilus}$


吉田 彩子*; 富田 武郎*; 河野 秀俊; 伏信 進矢*; 葛山 智久*; 西山 真*

Yoshida, Ayako*; Tomita, Takeo*; Kono, Hidetoshi; Fushinobu, Shinya*; Kuzuyama, Tomohisa*; Nishiyama, Makoto*

Crystal structures of the regulatory subunit (TtAK$$beta$$) of Thr-sensitive aspartate kinase (AK; EC from Thermus thermophilus were determined at 2.15 ${AA}$; in the Thr-bound form(TtAK$$beta$$-Thr) and at 2.98 ${AA}$ ; in the Thr-free form (TtAK$$beta$$-free). Although both forms are crystallized as dimers, the contact surface area of the dimer interface in TtAK$$beta$$-free (3,200 ${AA}$ $$^{2}$$) is smaller than that of TtAK$$beta$$-Thr (3,890 ${AA}$ $$^{2}$$). Sedimentation equilibrium analyzed by ultracentrifuge revealed that TtAK$$beta$$ is present in equilibrium between a monomer and dimmer and Thr binding shifts the equilibrium to dimer formation. In the absence of Thr, outward shift of b strands near the Thr-binding site (site 1) and concomitant loss of the electron density of the loop region between $$beta$$3 and $$beta$$4 near the Thr-binding site are observed. Based on the crystal structures, the regulatory mechanism by Thr is discussed. TtAK$$beta$$ has higher thermostability than the regulatory subunit of ${it Corynebacterium glutamicum}$ AK (CgAK$$beta$$) with a difference in denaturation temperature ($$T$$$$_{rm m}$$) of 40$$^{circ}$$C. Comparison of the crystal structures of TtAK$$beta$$ and CgAK$$beta$$ showed that the well-packed hydrophobic core and highproline content in loops contribute to the high thermostability of TtAK$$beta$$.



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分野:Biochemistry & Molecular Biology



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