Research on consequence analysis method for probabilistic safety assessment of nuclear fuel facilities, 4; Investigation of safety evaluation method for fire and explosion incidents
Abe, Hitoshi ; Tashiro, Shinsuke ; Ueda, Yoshinori*
A special committee of "Research on the analysis methods for accident consequence of nuclear fuel facilities (NFF)" was organized by the Atomic Energy Society of Japan under the entrustment of JAEA. The committee aims to research on the state-of-the-art of consequence analysis method for Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) of NFF such as fuel reprocessing and fuel fabrication facilities. The objective is to obtain the useful information related to establishing quantitative performance objectives and to risk-informed regulation through qualifying issues needed to be resolved for applying PSA to NFF. The research activities of the committee were mainly focused on the analysis method of consequences for postulated accidents with potentially large consequence in NFF resulting in release of radio active material to the environment. In this technical report, the research results about basic experimental data and method for safety evaluation for fire and explosion incidents were summarized.