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Report No.

Path of nascent polypeptide in exit tunnel revealed by molecular dynamics simulation of ribosome

Ishida, Hisashi; Hayward, S.*

Molecular dynamics simulations were performed on ${it Thermus thermophilus }$ 70S ribosome with and without the nascent polypeptide inside the exit tunnel. Modeling of the polypeptide in the tunnel revealed two possible paths: one over Arg$$^{92}$$ of L22 and one under (from the viewpoint of 50S on top of 30S). A strong interaction between L4 and Arg$$^{92}$$ was observed without the polypeptide and when it passed over Arg$$^{92}$$. However, when the polypeptide passed under, Arg$$^{92}$$ repositioned to interact with Ade$$^{2059}$$ of 23S rRNA. Using steered molecular dynamics the polypeptide could be pulled through the L4-L22 constriction when situated under Arg$$^{92}$$, but did not move when over. These results suggest that the tunnel is closed by the Arg$$^{92}$$-L4 interaction before elongation of the polypeptide and the tunnel leads the entering polypeptide from the peptidyl transferase center to the passage under Arg$$^{92}$$, causing Arg$$^{92}$$ to switch to an open position. It is possible, therefore, that Arg$$^{92}$$ plays the role of a gate, opening and closing the tunnel at L4-L22. There is controversy over whether the tunnel is dynamics or rigid. At least within the time-scale of our simulations conformational analysis showed that global motions mainly involve relative movement of the 50S and 30S subunits and appear not to affect the conformation of the tunnel.



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