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Development of neV-resolution spectroscopy using synchrotron-based $$^{57}$$Fe M$"o$ssbauer radiation

Masuda, Ryo; Mitsui, Takaya; Kitao, Shinji*; Higashitaniguchi, Satoshi*; Yoda, Yoshitaka*; Seto, Makoto

A synchrotron-radiation-based neV-resolution spectrometer has been developed using single-line pure nuclear Bragg reflection. The developed optical system consists of two components: a $$^{57}$$FeBO$$_{3}$$ single crystal near the N$'e$el temperature for producing $$^{57}$$Fe M$"o$ssbauer radiation from synchrotron radiation, and a single-line M$"o$ssbauer absorber ($$^{57}$$Fe-enriched stainless steel foil) for analyzing the energy distribution. As a feasibility study, we have performed the measurement of the M$"o$ssbauer radiation diffracted by a Si crystal under ultrasound vibration with the optical system and have successfully observed the neV-range energy modulation due to the ultrasound vibration.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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