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Report No.

Probabilistic safety assessment on experimental fast reactor Joyo; Level1 PSA for internal events

Ishikawa, Koki; Takamatsu, Misao ; Kawahara, Hirotaka ; Mihara, Takatsugu ; Kurisaka, Kenichi ; Terano, Toshihiro; Murakami, Takanori; Noritsugi, Akihiro; Iseki, Atsushi; Saito, Takakazu; Aoyama, Takafumi 

Probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) has been applied to nuclear plants as a method to achieve effective safety regulation and safety management. In order to establish the PSA standard for fast breeder reactor (FBR), the FBR-PSA for internal events in rated power operation is studied by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). The level1 PSA on the experimental fast reactor Joyo was conducted to investigate core damage probability for internal events with taking human factors effect and dependent failures into account. The result of this study shows that the core damage probability of Joyo is 5.0$$times$$10$$^{-6}$$ per reactor year (/ry) and that the core damage probability is smaller than the safety goal for existed plants (10 ry) and future plants (10$$^{-5}$$/ry) in the IAEA INSAG-12 (International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group) basic safety principle.



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