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Report No.

Modelling of heating and current drive performance in ITER operational scenarios

Oikawa, Toshihiro; Polevoi, A. R.*; Bonoli, P. T.*; Tani, Keiji*; Campbell, D. J.*

We have been developing physics models and computational codes for heating and current drive of NB and LH. A NB code has been developed in JAEA and on the Monte-Carlo scheme with employing the Suzuki model for the ionization process, which are based on the most recent atomic data. A LH code has been introduced from MIT. We have performed a physics assessment of the 3rd NBI, which is an option for the future HCD upgrade. Higher plasma rotation favorable to MHD stabilities is expected. On the other hand, the NBCD is too concentrated around the plasma center, which is unfavorable for the steady-state operation with the reversed magnetic shear configuration. Another concern is energetic particle driven modes due to large pressure of the NB ion in the center. The LH spectrum has to have a relatively high value of $$n_{//}approx2$$ because of the accessibility condition. With this spectrum, LHCD is 0.83MA in the reference steady-state scenario for a 20MW injection from an equatorial port.



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