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Report No.

The Present status of TIARA at JAEA-Takasaki

Saito, Yuichi; Yokota, Wataru; Nara, Takayuki; Agematsu, Takashi; Okumura, Susumu; Uno, Sadanori; Ishibori, Ikuo; Kurashima, Satoshi; Yoshida, Kenichi; Yuyama, Takahiro; Ishizaka, Tomohisa; Chiba, Atsuya; Yamada, Keisuke; Yokoyama, Akihito; Miyawaki, Nobumasa; Kashiwagi, Hirotsugu; Yuri, Yosuke; Ishii, Yasuyuki; Sato, Takahiro; Okubo, Takeru; Kamiya, Tomihiro; Kojima, Takuji

The accelerators at TIARA of Japan Atomic Energy Agency are dedicated to researches in the field of biotechnology and material science. These researches require beams of various ion species covering a wide range of energy and a number of different methods of irradiation. In order to satisfy the requirements, outstanding technologies such as microbeam formation and wide-area high-uniformity irradiation have been developed as well as accelerator technologies. The paper describes the major accelerator/ beam formation/ irradiation technologies developed in recent years.



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