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Thermal treatment for TRU waste sorting

佐々木 紀樹 ; 青山 佳男 ; 山下 利之

Sasaki, Toshiki; Aoyama, Yoshio; Yamashita, Toshiyuki


A thermal treatment that can automatically unpack TRU waste and remove hazardous materials has been developed to reduce the risk of radiation exposure and save operation cost. The thermal treatment is a process of removing plastic wrapping and hazardous material from TRU waste by heating waste at 500 to 700 $$^{circ}$$C. Plastic wrappings of simulated wastes were removed using a laboratory scale thermal treatment system. Celluloses and isoprene rubbers that must be removed from waste for disposal were pyrolyzed by the treatment. Although the thermal treatment can separate lead and aluminum from the waste, a further technical development is needed to separate lead and aluminum. Future technology development subjects for the TRU waste thermal treatment system are summarized.



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