Durability evalation of steel reinforced low alkaline concrete using pozzolanic reaction based on exposure test in off-shore
竹田 宣典*; 桑江 ひとみ*; 中山 雅
; 小林 保之
Takeda, Nobufumi*; Kuwae, Hitomi*; Nakayama, Masashi; Kobayashi, Yasushi
High level radioactive waste repository will be constructed using a variety of concrete such as shotcrete, lining for rock support. It is anticipated that highly alkaline plume released from the cement hydrates could influence the long-term performance of barrier system as a result of degradation of the buffer material and rock. In order to reduce hyper alkaline, JAEA is now undertaking development of low alkaline cement (HFSC: Highly Fly ash contained Silicafume Cement). In this report, to evaluate corrosion behavior of reinforcement in HFSC, we have conducted exposure test using reinforced concrete specimens in off-shore condition for 6 years, investigated corrosion rate and permeation chloride ion in concrete. As the result, it is evaluated that the period until crack occurred is more than 30 years in case of using HFSC concrete.