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 年 ~ 

High temperature oxidation of Nb-containing Zr alloy cladding in LOCA conditions


中頭 利則; 永瀬 文久 ; 更田 豊志

Chuto, Toshinori; Nagase, Fumihisa; Fuketa, Toyoshi


In order to evaluate high-temperature oxidation behavior of the advanced alloy cladding under LOCA conditions, isothermal oxidation tests in steam were performed with cladding specimens prepared from high burnup PWR fuel rods (79 MWd/kg). Cladding materials were M5 and ZIRLO which are Nb-containing alloys. Ring-shaped specimens were isothermally oxidized in flowing steam at temperatures from 1173 to 1473 K for the duration between 120 and 4000 s. Protective effect of the pre-formed corrosion layer is seen for the shorter time range at the lower temperatures. Influence of pre-hydriding is not significant for the examined range. Alloy composition change generally has small influence on the oxidation in the examined temperature range, though M5 shows obviously smaller oxidation constant at 1273 K. Consequently, the oxidation rates of the high burnup M5 and ZIRLO cladding are comparable or lower than that of unirradiated Zircaloy-4 cladding.



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