※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Long pulse and high power repetitive operation of the 170 GHz ITER gyrotron


梶原 健; 春日井 敦; 小田 靖久; 高橋 幸司; 小林 則幸*; 坂本 慶司

Kajiwara, Ken; Kasugai, Atsushi; Oda, Yasuhisa; Takahashi, Koji; Kobayashi, Noriyuki*; Sakamoto, Keishi

First repetitive operation of a 170 GHz long pulse gyrotron with quasi-CW (400 sec pulse width) and high power is presented. Five hours of repetitive operation with 30 min intervals was successfully achieved without any major problem. During the 5 hours of operation, $$sim$$800 kW output power is maintained, the oscillation efficiency is 35% and the total efficiency including the depressed collector is 56%. The pressure inside the gyrotron returns to the original level after $$sim$$20 min. The results show the clear prospect for the application of 170 GHz gyrotrons to heating and current drive experiments on ITER.



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