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Multi-scale transport dynamics dominated by multiple dissipation mechanisms near the critical gradient


岸本 泰明; 三木 一弘*; Li, J. Q.*; 宮戸 直亮; Wang, Z. X.*; Anderson, J.*

Kishimoto, Yasuaki; Miki, Kazuhiro*; Li, J. Q.*; Miyato, Naoaki; Wang, Z. X.*; Anderson, J.*


A new class of transient transport near the critical gradient (CG) referred to as GAM growing intermittency due to the collision-less GAM damping has been found based on Landau-fluid simulation. Here, we present a new predator-prey model to understand the essential features of the growing intermittency. We have also extended the simulation model by taking into account the collisional zonal flow (ZF) damping. Due to the mixture of two kinds of damping mechanisms, i.e. the GAM damping and collisional damping, the growing intermittency is found to recursively appear accompanied with complex envelope modulation to ZFs over collisional (or transport) time scale. Furthermore, we have investigated the effect of zonal pressure (ZP) near the CG, which also works as a dissipation mechanism. The multiple dissipation mechanisms are found to synergetically couple each other and lead plasmas to complex dynamical transport over long time scale.



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