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R&D project on irradiation damage management technology for structural materials of long-life nuclear plant, 2; Reports of coupling irradiation (JRR-3 and JOYO) and hot facilities work (WASTEF, JMTR-HL, MMF and FMF)

Matsui, Yoshinori ; Takahashi, Hiroyuki; Ichise, Kenichi ; Usami, Koji; Endo, Shinya; Iwamatsu, Shigemi; Yonekawa, Minoru ; Ito, Kazuhiro ; Yamamoto, Masaya; Soga, Tomonori ; Abe, Kazuyuki; Yoshikawa, Katsunori; Yamagata, Ichiro ; Kikuchi, Taiji; Ishikawa, Kazuyoshi; Miyake, Osamu; Aoto, Kazumi 

"R&D Project on Irradiation Damage Management Technology for Structural Materials of Long-life Nuclear Plant" was carried out from 2006 fiscal year in a fund of a trust enterprise of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The coupling irradiations or single irradiations by JOYO fast reactor and JRR-3 fission reactor were performed for about two years. The irradiation specimens are the very important materials to establish of "Evaluation of Irradiation Damage Indicator" in this research. For the acquisition of the examination specimens irradiated by the JOYO and JRR-3, we will present about the overall plan, work process and the results for the study to utilize these reactors and some facilities of hot laboratory (WASTEF, JMTR-HL, MMF and FMF) of the Oarai Research-and-Development Center and the Nuclear Science Research Institute in the Japan Atomic Energy Agency.



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