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Report No.

Measurement of Np(IV) solubility with Ca and Si in the high pH region

Fujiwara, Kenso ; Kohara, Yukitoshi*; Okazaki, Mitsuhiro*; Suzuki, Yasuyuki*

The stability constants of Np(IV) with Ca and Si are measured by solubility method. In the case of coexistence of Ca or Si under high pH region, the solubility of tetravalent actinide was higher than the case of without Ca or Si in a recent study. However, in the case of Np(IV), the experiment was not measured. Therefore, the solubility of Np(IV) was measured with Ca or Si in the high pH region, the stability constants of (Ca$$_{4}$$Np(OH)$$_{8}$$$$^{4+}$$) and Si of Ca and the Np and complex (Np(OH)nSi$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$(OH)$$_{4}$$ etc) was calculated by solubility of Np(IV).



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