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Report No.

Design study of the material irradiation facility for the SCC research under the LWR irradiation environment

Onuma, Yuichi; Tomita, Kenji; Okada, Yuji ; Hanawa, Hiroshi

Toward the re-operation of Japan Materials Testing Reactor on 2011 F.Y., the construction of new material irradiation facility for the stress corrosion cracking research under the LWR irradiation environment had been planed, and the design study of water control unit for BWR and water chemical study which supply the LWR simulated water to the material irradiation capsule were carried out on 2007 F.Y. The design study of new material irradiation facility was examined including the reflection of the operation experience and the reuse of components on old material irradiation facility. These examination results were summarized in this report.



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