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A Script generator API for the full-scale three-dimensional vibration simulation of an entire nuclear power plant within AEGIS

Kim, G.; Suzuki, Yoshio   ; Teshima, Naoya; Nishida, Akemi  ; Yamada, Tomonori; Araya, Fumimasa; Takemiya, Hiroshi; Nakajima, Norihiro  ; Kondo, Makoto

We developed the Script Generator API to support users to develop Grid-enabled client application. The Script Generator API automatically generates a Grid-enabled workflow script needed to execute jobs on a Grid system. Using the Script Generator API enables users to use a Grid environment without consciousness of a Grid computing system. In this paper, we show the implementation of the Script Generator API in our Grid infrastructure and its utilization to the Full-scale 3D Vibration Simulator for an Entire Nuclear Power Plant. By developing a Grid-enabled client application for the Full-scale 3D Vibration Simulator, we confirmed the usability of the Script Generator API.



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