※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Effect of interfacial roughness correlation on diffuse scattering intensity in a neutron supermirror


丸山 龍治   ; 山崎 大  ; 海老沢 徹*; 曽山 和彦  

Maruyama, Ryuji; Yamazaki, Dai; Ebisawa, Toru*; Soyama, Kazuhiko


Neutron supermirrors are one of the most useful multilayer devices in neutron experiments since a polychromatic neutron beam can be reflected. The diffuse intensity from a supermirror has to be suppressed since it causes a serious problem of low signal to background noise in focusing systems. The diffuse intensity can be decreased by more than an order of magnitude by adopting NiC/Ti multilayers instead of conventional Ni/Ti multilayers, which leads to a high performance focusing system with a diffuse intensity down to the order of 10$$^{-5}$$ of the specular intensity. In this study, in order to obtain the mechanism that controls the diffuse intensity from a supermirror, we investigated the crystal structure of Ni and NiC monolayers and the interface structure of Ni/Ti and NiC/Ti multilayers and demonstrated that a multilayer with a large vertical correlation length and a small lateral correlation length effectively suppresses the diffuse intensity from a supermirror.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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