※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Effect of thermal neutrons on fusion power measurement using micro-fission chamber in ITER


石川 正男; 近藤 貴; 西谷 健夫; 草間 義紀

Ishikawa, Masao; Kondoh, Takashi; Nishitani, Takeo; Kusama, Yoshinori


The effect of water cooling pipes attached to the blanket module is assessed by MCNP 5 in order to estimate the effect of this equipment upon the MFC. Results indicate a significant increase in the MFC response rate (up to 40% higher) due to the branch pipe. Findings reveal that neutrons are slowed down by the water in the branch pipes. In order to meet the ITER measurement specifications (within 10 % error), devising ways for dealing with thermal neutrons is very important. Covering the MFC with a material that absorbs thermal neutrons such as cadmium is one possible way to reduce their effect. The ways in which the absorbent material (type of material, thickness, etc.) may affect MFC response is analyzed through a neutron transport calculation.



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