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Report No.

Development of a computer code, PARC, for simulation of solvent extraction process in reprocessing

Tsubata, Yasuhiro   ; Asakura, Toshihide; Morita, Yasuji  

A computer code PARC was developed in JAEA, in order to predict behavior of U, Pu, Np and several fission products in a reprocessing plant for spent nuclear fuel. This code has several useful calculation functions, i.e., PARC can deal with both mixer-settlers and pulsed columns simultaneously, and new equations for chemical reaction, reaction constant and distribution ratio can be easily inputted to PARC without recompilation of the program. Therefore it is expected to be widely used for basic solvent extraction study, separation process design, plant management and safety analysis for future reprocessing. In the present, outline of a basic extractor model and several chemical reaction models used in PARC were introduced, and results of calculations for U and Pu behavior in U/Pu separation process in PUREX were shown, which elucidated the effect of the increase in Pu concentration in the feed solution and the importance of the selection of Pu oxidation/reduction reaction models.



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