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Fuel pin irradiation test at up to 5at% burnup in BOR-60 for oxide-dispersion-strengthened ferritic steel claddings

Kaito, Takeji ; Ukai, Shigeharu*; Povstyanko, A. V.*; Efimov, V. N.*

The fuel pin irradiation test of the ODS claddings, which were developed as promising materials for higher burnup fuels, was carried out at high cladding temperatures of 700$$^{circ}$$C and 650$$^{circ}$$C in BOR-60. Vibro-packed MOX fuels with low O/M ratio were used. The integrity of the ODS cladding fuel pins was maintained up to burnup of 5.1 at% and neutron dose of 21 dpa, and FCCI of the ODS claddings was very small. These results suggested that the ODS claddings and low O/M ratio fuels are the most appropriate fuel pin system for high burnup fuel.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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