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 年 ~ 

Spectroscopic measurements of high frequency plasma in supercritical carbon dioxide


前原 常弘*; 川嶋 文人*; 岩前 敦; 向笠 忍*; 竹森 俊彦*; 渡辺 高志*; 黒河 賢哉*; 豊田 洋通*; 野村 信福*

Maehara, Tsunehiro*; Kawashima, Ayato*; Iwamae, Atsushi; Mukasa, Shinobu*; Takemori, Toshihiko*; Watanabe, Takashi*; Kurokawa, Kenya*; Toyota, Hiromichi*; Nomura, Shinfuku*

Spectroscopic measurements of high frequency (hf) plasma were performed under high pressure conditions (5 and 7 MPa) and supercritical (sc) CO$$_{2}$$ conditions ($$8sim20$$ MPa). Temperature evaluated from C$$_{2}$$ Swan bands ($$d,^3Pi_g rightarrow a,^3Pi_u$$) increased from 3600 to 4600 K with an increase in pressure. The first observation of broadening and shifting of the O I line profile ($$3{rm s},^5{rm S}_2^o leftarrow 3{rm p},^5{rm P}_{3,2,1}$$) of hf plasma under sc CO$$_{2}$$ concisions was carried out. However, the origin of broadening and the shifting cannot be understood because the present theory explaining them is not valid for such high pressure conditions.



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分野:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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