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 年 ~ 

Application of Monte Carlo method to solve the neutron kinetics equation for a subcritical assembly


岩永 宏平*; 関本 博*; 森 貴正

Iwanaga, Kohei*; Sekimoto, Hiroshi*; Mori, Takamasa


The Monte Carlo method is applied to solve the space-dependent kinetics equations of transient in source-driven subcritical systems whose change is much slower than the prompt neutron lifetime. In the present paper, the time derivative of neutron equation is set zero, though the time derivative of delayed neutron precursor equation is treated without any approximations. The neutron counts measured by small fission chambers at the subcritical kinetics experiment using JAEA FCA are compared with those calculated by the present method. The agreement is good, and the excellent performance of our method for space dependent neutron kinetics is shown.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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