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Report No.

JSME construction standard for superconducting magnet of fusion facility "Material"

Nishimura, Arata*; Nakajima, Hideo

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has contributed to development of the structural standard for superconducting magnets entitled "Codes for Fusion Facilities - Rules on Superconducting Magnet Structure (2008)" issued by the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) in October 2009. This code consists of 7 sections, such as general requirements including quality assurance, material, design, fabrication (welding), non-destructive examination, pressure and leak test, and terminology. This paper describes technical contents on material section of the code. The feature of the code is to specify cryogenic materials such as JJ1, which was newly developed by JAEA, and 316LN, which is calcified by the carbon and nitrogen (C+N) contents. The design strengths from room temperature to cryogenic temperature of these materials are given in a quadratic function when the materials are as-solution heat-treated.



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