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Report No.

Measurement of neutron dose under criticality accident conditions at TRACY using ebonites

Murazaki, Minoru; Nobuhara, Fumiyoshi*; Iwai, Shohei*; Tonoike, Kotaro ; Uchiyama, Gunzo 

Neutron doses under criticality accident conditions at TRACY were measured using ebnites, which are hard rubber containing sulfur. To evaluate a neutron dose, beta rays emitted from $$^{32}$$P induced by $$^{32}$$S(n,p) reaction are measured with Geiger-M$"{u}$ller (GM) counter. A calibration factor (Gy/cpm), which is pre-determined using a $$^{252}$$Cf source, is applied to the count rates to obtain neutron doses. Factors to correct for the difference between responses of $$^{32}$$S(n,p) to the spectrum of $$^{252}$$Cf source and to spectra of TRACY were calculated and applied to the doses. Ebonites were exposed by TRACY with and without the water reflector. Neutron doses in TRACY without a reflector were evaluated with an uncertainty of less than about 40%. On the other hand, average of neutron doses in TRACY with the water reflector were accurate. By these measurements, it was found that ebonites can be used as a neutron dosimeter for criticality accidents.



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