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Report No.

FNCA guideline on development of hydrogel and oligosaccharides by radiation processing

Kudo, Hisaaki*; Yoshii, Fumio; Kume, Tamikazu*

This report summarizes the current status of development of hydrogel and oligosaccharides by radiation (electron and $$gamma$$ rays) processing in Asia countries, as an outcome of activities of the FNCA (Forum for Nuclear Co-operation in Asia) industry group during the phase 2 (2006-2008), as one of FNCA Guidelines. The nine countries participates in the phase 2 of the FNCA-industry group, focusing on radiation processing of natural polymers. Participating countries have been studying radiation processing of natural polymer such as chitosan from shrimp/crab shell and carrageenan taken from seaweeds, in terms of crosslinking for gel and degradation for oligosaccharides. The hydrogel and oligosaccharides obtained by radiation processing are expected application in the fields of medical,environmental conservation and aqua-cultures.



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