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Report No.

Rotational-coherence molecular laser isotope separation

Akagi, Hiroshi; Oba, Hironori  ; Yokoyama, Keiichi  ; Yokoyama, Atsushi; Egashira, Kazuhiro*; Fujimura, Yo*

We have proposed a laser isotope separation method, utilizing rotational coherence of a simple molecule. In the scheme, photoexcited molecules are isotopically separated by difference of rotational period between them. To illustrate this method, two-pulse photodissociation of mixed $$^{79}$$Br$$_{2}$$/$$^{81}$$Br$$_{2}$$ isotopes has been investigated theoretically. Additionally, we have shown that this method is effective for heavy isotopes, based on mass dependence of the isotope enrichment factor. The contrast ratio, which is defined as a ratio of the maximum enrichment factor to the minimum enrichment factor, does not depend on mass of the chosen isotopes significantly. Hence we conclude that the present method is effective for heavy isotopes.



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