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Report No.

A Laboratory X-ray measurement system of the crystallinity of single crystal for the synchrotron radiation optics

Kiriyama, Koji; Mitsui, Takaya; Fukuda, Yoshihiro

Single crystal for experiment using by synchrotron radiation X-ray is needed to have high quality and performance as optics element. Therefore, quantitative estimation of performance of the single crystal must be done before the experiment. Precise X-ray optics system has been developed at JAEA/Quantum Beam Science Directorate/Synchrotron Radiation Unit at SPring-8. This system can measure small sample that is less than 0.01 mm in size, and have resolving ability of sample rotation that is less than 0.01 degree. And, scanning of sample, it is possible to measure distribution of quality at sample surface. For example, single crystal of FeBO$$_{3}$$ which was measured by this system have been installed in synchrotron radiation M$"o$ssbauer spectroscopy using Doppler-shifted 14.4 keV single line $$^{57}$$Fe-M$"o$ssbauer radiation.



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