Progress in ITER diagnostics development in Japan
河野 康則; 近藤 貴; 石川 正男; 波多江 仰紀; 林 利光; 小野 武博; 小川 宏明; 杉江 達夫; 岩前 敦; 草間 義紀; 佐藤 和義; 海老澤 克之*; 若林 邦朗*; 河西 敏*
Kawano, Yasunori; Kondoh, Takashi; Ishikawa, Masao; Hatae, Takaki; Hayashi, Toshimitsu; Ono, Takehiro; Ogawa, Hiroaki; Sugie, Tatsuo; Iwamae, Atsushi; Kusama, Yoshinori; Sato, Kazuyoshi; Ebisawa, Katsuyuki*; Wakabayashi, Kuniaki*; Kasai, Satoshi*
Progress in ITER diagnostics development in Japan is presented. (1) Micro Fission Chamber: A bending test of the mineral insulated cable has been carried out since its smallest bending radius would be 12 cm in the vacuum vessel. It has been confirmed that no damage has been observed even at the bending radius is small as 10 cm. (2) Thomson Scattering (Edge): It has been confirmed that the prototype YAG laser amplifier satisfies the target performance of ITER requirement. (3) Poloidal Polarimeter: Study of retro-reflectors in the first wall modules and the divertor cassette has been progressed. (4) Impurity Influx Monitor (Divertor): Mechanical designs of mirror box and optical shutter in the divertor cassette have been designed. (5) Upper Port Plug: For the generic design of the upper port plug (UPP), mesh modeling of UPP has been performed for the E-M analysis. Application of HIP (Hot Isostatic Press) method for manufacturing of UPP has been proposed.