ITPA meeting report, 25
河野 康則; 笹尾 真実子*; 間瀬 淳*; 川端 一男*; 草間 義紀; Peterson, B.*; 伊丹 潔
Kawano, Yasunori; Sasao, Mamiko*; Mase, Atsushi*; Kawahata, Kazuo*; Kusama, Yoshinori; Peterson, B.*; Itami, Kiyoshi
The 15th meeting of international tokamak physics activity (ITPA) topical group on diagnostics was held in Ahmadabad, India, 17-20 November 2008. Fifty-three scientists participated the meeting (JA:2, IN:24, EU:17, US:3, RF:3, ITER Organization (IO):4). In 2008, ITPA was restructured to be the activity under the "auspice of ITER". Accordingly, the chair and the co-chair persons were newly appointed. Since it was the first meeting after the restructuring, new guidelines of activities in this topical group were discussed together with the progress of high priority items defined by this group and status of development of ITER diagnostics in ITER participant parties and IO. In this report, the outline of the meeting is presented.