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Report No.

Atomic arrangement, composition and orientation of hexagonal BCN films synthesized by radiofrequency plasma enhanced CVD

Mannan, M. A.*; Kida, Tetsuya*; Noguchi, Hideyuki*; Nagano, Masamitsu*; Shimoyama, Iwao   ; Hirao, Norie; Baba, Yuji  

Oriented hexagonal BCN films were synthesized on Si(100) substrate by radiofrequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition using tris-(dimethylamino)borane as a precursor. The formation of the crystalline hexagonal BCN hybrids was confirmed by FT-IR and XRD. CH$$_{4}$$ + H$$_{2}$$ carrier gas increased the C content in the films in comparison with N$$_{2}$$ carrier gas. XPS measurement showed that the films were composed of a variety of B-N, B-C, C-N bonds to form the BCN atomic hybrids. The $$pi$$$$^{*}$$ resonance peak in the B K-edge NEXAFS spectra also indicated the presence of the ${it sp$^{2}$}$ hybrid configuration of B-C-N bonds like BN$$_{3}$$ in h-BN. The $$sigma$$$$^{*}$$ resonance peaks suggested the diversity in the $$sigma$$ bonds in the films. Orientation of the h-BCN hybrids was suggested on the basis of the polarization dependence of NEXAFS.



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Category:Materials Science, Ceramics



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