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Report No.

Gyrokinetic full-f vlasov simulation of source driven ITG turbulence

Idomura, Yasuhiro   

Long time tokamak micro-turbulence simulations in open system tokamak plasmas are enabled for the first time based on a full-f gyrokinetic approach with self-consistent evolutions of turbulent transport and equilibrium profiles. In ion temperature gradient driven turbulence simulations in a normal shear tokamak with on-axis heating, key features of ion turbulent transport are clarified. It is found that stiff ion temperature Ti profiles are sustained with globally constant Lti= $$|$$Ti/Ti'$$|$$ near a critical value, and a significant part of the heat flux is carried by avalanches with 1/f type spectra, which suggest a self-organised criticality. The Er shear strongly affects the directions of avalanche propagation and the momentum flux. Non-diffusive momentum transport due to the Er shear stress is observed and a non-zero (intrinsic) toroidal rotation is formed without momentum input near the axis.



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