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Report No.

Risk-informed evaluation of off-site response planning for nuclear emergencies

Homma, Toshimitsu; Kimura, Masanori ; Takahara, Shogo  ; Ishikawa, Jun 

It is recognized that good preparedness in advance of an emergency can substantially improve the emergency response to a nuclear or radiological accident. In particular, it is very important to provide technical guidance for the development of protective action strategies based upon a comprehensive analysis which takes into account the full range of postulated events. Probabilistic accident consequence assessment models can be very useful for providing a quantitative basis for discussing the effective emergency preparedness for appropriate protective action strategies such as sheltering, evacuation, and stable iodine prophylaxis. This paper presents the methodology and results of the risk-informed evaluation of off-site emergency planning using the level 3 PSA code, called OSCAAR developed at JAEA. Calculations of the off-site consequence have been made of postulated core damage accidents with source terms derived from a generic level 2 PSA of the reference plant.



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