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Scientific visualization of multi-phase flow by using neutron imaging techniques

Kureta, Masatoshi   ; Iikura, Hiroshi  ; Segawa, Mariko   

Neutron imaging technique is one of the nondestructive visualization and image-sensing techniques. In this article, advanced neutron imaging techniques on multi-phase flow and some visualization examples were introduced. The most up-to-date high-speed neutron radiography, high-speed scanning neutron 3D/4D CT and multi-beam neutron 4D CT techniques were included with some fundamental application results. Vapor/water flow in a bundle and oil flow in a car engine were visualized by high-speed neutron radiography technique to make clear the unknown phenomena. 4D visualization of painted sand in the sand glass was reported as the demonstration of the high-speed scanning neutron 4D CT technique. And high-speed 4D visualization was demonstrated using the rotating test section with the recording speed of 125 fps.



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