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Report No.

Modeling of ultra-cold and crystalline ion beams

Okamoto, Hiromi*; Sugimoto, Hiroshi*; Yuri, Yosuke; Ikegami, Masahiro*; Wei, J.*

An ultimate goal in accelerator physics is to produce a "zero-emittance" beam, which is equivalent to making the beam temperature the absolute zero in the center-of-mass frame. At this limit, if somehow reached, the beam is Coulomb crystallized. Schiffer and co-workers first applied the molecular dynamics (MD) technique to study the fundamental features of various Coulomb crystals. Their pioneering work was later generalized by Wei et al. who explicitly incorporated discrete alternating-gradient lattice structures into MD simulations. This talk summarizes recent numerical efforts made to clarify the dynamic behavior of ultra-cold and crystalline ion beams. The MD modeling of beam crystallization in a storage ring is outlined, including how one can approach the ultra-low emittance limit. Several possible methods are described of cooling an ion beam with radiation pressure (the Doppler laser cooling).



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