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Report No.

Thermal-hydraulic calculation for simplified fuel assembly of super fast reactor using two-fluid model analysis code ACE-3D

Nakatsuka, Toru  ; Misawa, Takeharu; Yoshida, Hiroyuki  ; Takase, Kazuyuki

In the present paper, thermal-hydraulic behavior in a simplified fuel assembly of the supercritical water cooled fast reactor (Super Fast Reactor) was analyzed with the three-dimensional two-fluid model analysis code ACE-3D. The analytical geometry simulates a 19-rod assembly, which is one of the most simplified geometry of the SCWR fuel assembly and includes three kinds of different subchannel types; (1) adjoining to the channel box, (2): next to type (1), and (3): located inside types (1) and (2). It was confirmed that the MCST satisfies a thermal design criteria to ensure fuel and cladding integrity.



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