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Report No.

Super ODS steels R&D for fuel cladding of next generation nuclear systems, 7; Corrosion behavior and mechanism in LBE

Sano, Hiroyuki*; Fujisawa, Toshiharu*; Kimura, Akihiko*; Inoue, Masaki ; Ukai, Shigeharu*; Onuki, Somei*; Okuda, Takanari*; Abe, Fujio*

Corrosion of structural materials is one of the serious problems when lead-bismuth eutectic alloy (LBE) is used as a coolant material in next generation nuclear systems. In this study, dissolution experiments of synthetic Fe-Cr-Al alloys and developed super ODS steel candidates into LBE under several partial pressures of oxygen were conducted. Dissolution behaviors of major components in such steels into LBE were investigated. Interfacial behavior between LBE and steels was also observed. In addition, partial potential diagrams of the Fe-Cr-Al-O system at several conditions were established as basic data. From the potential diagrams, the partial pressure range of oxygen was estimated for the stable protective oxide layer formation at the interface. At lower oxygen partial pressure than the pressure that is enough for the formation of the stable oxide layer, a rough oxide layer was formed at the interface in all samples, and the alloy elements dissolved into LBE through it. On the other hand, at the oxygen partial pressure to form stable oxide layer, a dense and very thin oxide layer was formed especially on the higher aluminum content steel, preventing the alloy dissolution into LBE. From the results, aluminum and chromium content in steel were very important for preventing the corrosion by LBE.



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