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Report No.

Super ODS steels R&D for fuel cladding of next generation nuclear systems, 9; Damage structure evolution under electron-irradiation

Onuki, Somei*; Hashimoto, Naoyuki*; Ukai, Shigeharu*; Kimura, Akihiko*; Inoue, Masaki ; Kaito, Takeji ; Fujisawa, Toshiharu*; Okuda, Takanari*; Abe, Fujio*

The aim of this study is to survey microstructural properties and irradiation response of advanced high Cr and Al ODS steels. The effects of minor element addition and heat-treatment are also investigated. In these steels, black dots-like dislocation loops were formed around oxide particles during electron irradiation, and then the behavior depended on the type of additional elements, but the irradiation resistance was confirmed generally. The irradiation response was not sensitive as the heat-treatment, but the minor element addition (Zr and Hf) showed an intensive suppressing the loop growth. The results suggest that a large number of oxides enhanced the mutual recombination of the irradiation-induced point defects, especially at their surface.



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