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Report No.

Basic actinide chemistry and physics research in close cooperation with hot laboratories; ACTILAB

Minato, Kazuo ; Konashi, Kenji*; Fujii, Toshiyuki*; Uehara, Akihiro*; Nagasaki, Shinya*; Otori, Norikazu*; Tokunaga, Yo  ; Kambe, Shinsaku  

Basic research in actinide chemistry and physics is indispensable to maintain sustainable development of innovative nuclear technology. Actinides, especially minor actinides of americium and curium, need to be handled in special facilities with containment and radiation shields. To promote and facilitate the actinide research, close cooperation with the facilities and sharing of technical and scientific information must be very important and effective. A three-year-program "Basic actinide chemistry and physics research in close cooperation with hot laboratories", ACTILAB, was started to form the bases of sustainable development of innovative nuclear technology. In this program, researches on actinide solid-state physics, solution chemistry and solid-liquid interface chemistry are made using four main facilities in Japan in close cooperation with each other, where basic experiments with transuranium elements can be made. The $$^{17}$$O-NMR measurements were performed on (Pu$$_{0.91}$$Am$$_{0.09}$$)O$$_{2}$$ to study the electronic state and the chemical behaviour of Am and Cm ions in electrolyte solutions was studied by distribution experiments.



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Category:Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear



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