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Report No.

Development of a material strength standard for Japanese demonstration fast breeder reactor

Onizawa, Takashi  ; Nagae, Yuji ; Wakai, Takashi ; Asayama, Tai 

This paper discusses about the activities for codification of new structural materials in the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) for the Japanese demonstration fast breeder reactor (DFBR), of which operation is presumed to be around 2025. 316FR is to be used for a reactor vessel and internals and Mod.9Cr-1Mo is to be used for primary and secondary coolant circuits, including intermediate heat exchangers and steam generators. 316FR has not been registered in current codes and standards. Mod.9Cr-1Mo is codified in ASTM/ASME, but it has not been registered in current Japanese nuclear codes and standards either. Therefore, it is necessary to include the materials in the JSME FBR Code. The paper summarized currently available data and information on the above items and shows path forward to the development of a material strength standard for DFBR.



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