Practical analysis from the experiences at MIZUNAMI underground facility on the impact of public understanding of the geological disposal of radioactive waste
Torata, Shinichiro; Numata, Yoshiaki; Kawase, Keiichi ; Manabe, Tatefumi
To continue utilizing nuclear energy in the future, a key issue still remains concerned with the public's perception of generating radioactive waste and its subsequent safe disposal. Despite undertaking long term research and development to implement a program of geological disposal of radioactive waste, the social recognition and public understanding is still insufficient. Consequently, JAEA has been trying to extend the public's scientific understanding by showing its research facilities. In this report, the content of more than 1000 answer sheets have been analyzed from members of the public who visited the JAEA research facilities. Several important findings were obtained, in particular, notable differences were found in the answers of those who had also visited an underground tunnel compared with those who had not. This and other findings are significant in promoting the social recognition of the ongoing research and development of the geological disposal of radioactive waste.