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Report No.

Modification of thermal instability on the native oxide of VCrTi surface by deuterium ion implantation

Tode, Mayumi; Harries, J.; Teraoka, Yuden; Yoshigoe, Akitaka 

In order to study the correlation between the hydrogen desorption temperature and the chemical bonding states of the oxide layer, photoemission spectroscopy with soft X-ray synchrotron radiation has been applied for analyses of the native oxide on the polycrystalline VCrTi alloy surface and its thermal instability. Before thermal annealing, O-1s, V-2p, Cr-2p, and Ti-2p peak from the native oxide layer had been obtained with a photon energy of 1247 eV. O-1s, V-2p, Cr-2p, and the Ti-2p peak have changed by thermal annealing at 473 K. For the deuterium ion implanted surface, the O-1s, V-2p, Cr-2p, and Ti-2p peak kept its profile until 573 K. After desorption of D2 molecules at around 573 K, the native oxide layer started changing its structure. Consequently deuterium implantation affected the thermal stability of the native oxide.



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