※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Flowability measurement of pulverized and granulated particles using vibrating tube method


松坂 修二*; 石井 克典 ; 鈴木 政浩 ; 瀬川 智臣 ; 木原 義之; 安田 正俊*

Matsusaka, Shuji*; Ishii, Katsunori; Suzuki, Masahiro; Segawa, Tomoomi; Kihara, Yoshiyuki; Yasuda, Masatoshi*


The flowability of model particles has been investigated using the vibrating tube method, to evaluate the applicability of this method to MOX (mixed oxide of PuO$$_{2}$$ and UO$$_{2}$$) particles, which are nuclear fuel for fast reactors (FRs). In this experiment, pulverized ZrO$$_{2}$$ particles and granulated WO$$_{3}$$ particles of 106-250 micrometers in particle diameter were used as the model particles. The amplitude of vibration was increased to a maximum value and then decreased to zero, and the mass of particles discharged from the vibrating tube was measured at constant time intervals. From the experimental data, flowability profiles, i.e. the relationships between the mass flow rate and vibration acceleration were obtained. It was found that for the ZrO$$_{2}$$ samples, the effect of the concentration of fine particles on the flowability was evaluated by the two factors; while for the WO$$_{3}$$ samples, the flowability was evaluated only by the characteristic mass flow rate.



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