※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Symmetric charge transfer of gadolinium

柴田 猛順; 小倉 浩一; 小池 文博*

Shibata, Takemasa; Ogura, Koichi; Koike, Fumihiro*

ガドリニウム(原子4f$$^{7}$$5d6s$$^{2}$$,イオン4f$$^{7}$$5d6s)の対称電荷移行は、電荷移行する6s電子の内側に閉殻でない4f$$^{7}$$5d電子があるため共鳴,非共鳴の反応経路Gd($$^{9}$$D$$_{2}$$)+Gd$$^{+}$$($$^{10}$$D$$_{5/2}$$)$$rightarrow$$Gd$$^{+}$$($$^{10}$$D$$_{5/2}$$)+Gd($$^{9}$$D$$_{2}$$)+0cm$$^{-1}$$及びGd($$^{9}$$D$$_{2}$$)+Gd$$^{+}$$($$^{10}$$D$$_{5/2}$$)$$rightarrow$$Gd$$^{+}$$($$^{8}$$D$$_{3/2}$$)+ Gd($$^{9}$$D$$_{2}$$)-2887cm$$^{-1}$$がある。これまで、共鳴,非共鳴の反応が独立に進み、それぞれ統計重率に比例するとして計算してきたが、共鳴,非共鳴の状態間の移行がある。今回、各衝突係数で結合方程式により状態間の結合を考慮して衝突エネルギー100eVから100keVの領域で電荷移行断面積を計算した。その結果、断面積は6s電子の内側が閉殻で共鳴電荷移行のみの反応の場合に比べ少し小さいだけであり、共鳴,非共鳴の反応が独立に進むとして統計に従って配分した値よりずっと大きいことを示した。

Symmetric charge transfer of gadolinium(atom:4f$$^{7}$$5d6s$$^{2}$$,ion4f$$^{7}$$5d6s) has two reaction paths which are resonant and non-resonant due to open 4f$$^{7}$$5d electrons inside 6s electrons. Formerly, we calculated the cross sections of symmetric charge transfer of gadolinium by assuming that the resonant and non-resonant reactions proceed independently in proportion to their statistical weights. However, this assumption is not correct because there are transitions between the resonant and non-resonant states. In the present paper the cross sections were calculated by solving the coupled equations considering couplings among all resonant and non-resonant states in the impact-parameter method. It is found that the cross sections are much larger than those calculated on the assumption of the independence of the resonant and non-resonant reactions and a little small compared with the usual symmetric resonance charge transfer.



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