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Report No.

Bulk scattering asymmetry coefficient and degree of order for Fe$$_{0.5}$$Co$$_{0.5}$$ thin film

Doi, Masaaki*; Mano, Tomonori*; Shiota, Megumi*; Yuasa, Hiromi*; Takeda, Masayasu  ; Sahashi, Masashi*

We have reported the high bulk scattering spin-asymmetry coefficient, $$beta = 0.81$$, of an alternate monatomic layered epitaxial film (AML) [Fe/Co]$$_{n}$$. This high value of $$beta$$ and the long-range order parameter of B$$_{2}$$ structure in Fe$$_{0.5}$$Co$$_{0.5}$$ seem to be correlated. The neutron diffraction measurements of the AML [Fe/Co]$$_{n}$$ were performed to determine the order parameter, and the value of about 0.7 was obtained. This value is consistent with a theoretical calculation. We discuss the correlation between the $$beta$$ and the order parameter together with the results of [Fe$$_{50}$$Co$$_{50}$$/Cu]$$_{n}$$ and a thin film of the Fe$$_{50}$$Co$$_{50}$$ alloy.



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