※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

中性子を利用した可視化・計測技術; 産業利用・異分野連携の推進について

Visualization and measurement technique by using neutron imaging techniques

呉田 昌俊   

Kureta, Masatoshi


Neutron imaging technique is one of the nondestructive visualization and image-sensing techniques. In this presentation, advanced neutron imaging techniques on multi-phase flow were introduced. The most up-to-date high-speed neutron radiography, high-speed scanning neutron 3D/4D CT and multi-beam neutron 4D CT techniques were included with some fundamental application results. Vapor/water flow in a bundle and oil flow in a car engine were visualized by high-speed neutron radiography technique to make clear the unknown phenomena. The purposes of the development of these techniques are to make clear the unknown phenomena and to measure the void fraction, velocity etc. with high-speed or 3D/4D for many multi-phase flow applications.



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