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Development of a framework for the neutronics analysis system for next generation, 3

横山 賢治   ; 平井 康志*; 兵頭 秀昭*; 巽 雅洋*

Yokoyama, Kenji; Hirai, Yasushi*; Hyodo, Hideaki*; Tatsumi, Masahiro*


Japan Atomic Energy Agency promotes development of innovative analysis methods and models in fundamental studies for next-generation nuclear reactor systems. In order to efficiently and effectively reflect the latest analysis methods and models to primary design of prototype reactor and/or in-core fuel management for power reactors, a next-generation analysis system MARBLE has been developed. In the present study, we examined in detail the existing design and implementation of ZPPR critical experiment analysis database followed by unification of models within the framework of the next-generation analysis system by extending to various critical experiment analysis. Furthermore, we examined requirements for functions of analysis results correction which is indispensable for critical analysis system, and designed and implemented an analysis system for various critical experiments including ZPPR.



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