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Report No.

Impact of the new nuclear decay data of ICRP Publication 107 on inhalation dose coefficients for workers

Manabe, Kentaro   ; Endo, Akira   ; Eckerman, K. F.*

The impact a revision of nuclear decay data had on dose coefficients was studied using data newly published in ICRP Publication 107 (ICRP107) and existing data from ICRP Publication 38 (ICRP38). Committed effective dose coefficients for occupational inhalation of radionuclides were calculated using two sets of decay data with the Dose and Risk Calculation software DCAL for 90 elements, 774 nuclides, 1572 cases. The dose coefficients based on ICRP107 increased by over 10% to those based on ICRP38 in 98 cases, and decreased by over 10% in 54 cases. It was found that the differences in dose coefficients mainly originated from the radiation energy emitted per nuclear transformation having revised. In addition, revisions of the half-lives, radiation types and decay modes also resulted in changes in the dose coefficients.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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