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Experimental study on high cycle thermal fatigue in T-junction; Effect of local flow velocity on transfer of temperature fluctuation from fluid to structure

Kimura, Nobuyuki; Ono, Ayako ; Miyakoshi, Hiroyuki; Kamide, Hideki 

A quantitative evaluation on high cycle thermal fatigue due to temperature fluctuation in fluid is of importance for structural integrity in the reactor. It is necessary for the quantitative evaluation to investigate occurrence and propagate processes of temperature fluctuation, e. g. decay of temperature fluctuation near structures and transfer of temperature fluctuation from fluid to structures. In this study, a water experiment using T-junction was performed to evaluate the transfer characteristics of temperature fluctuation from fluid to structure. In the experiment, temperatures and local velocities were measured simultaneously to evaluate the correlation between the temperature and velocity under the non-stationary fields. The large heat transfer coefficients were registered at the region where the local velocity was high.



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